Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Red Team."

Odd that so far this year, I've picked up three red figures: Red Superman, Red Hulk, and Red She-Hulk. Red Tornado I've had for a while...

I am reading the actual Red Team comic from Garth Ennis and Craig Cermak: four members of a major crimes unit decide to murder a suspect, and as one explains, the absolute worst possible thing happens:

Detective Mellinger realizes, all too late, that even for professionals, beginner's luck is a curse...I liked the first issue, but am somewhat surprised that Ennis has this planned as a series, not a limited. Not because of the brutal realities of the comic book market in regards to non-superhero, non-big two books; but because I kinda figured Ennis would kill off all his characters inside of nine issues.

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